
Why our clients love animal-assisted therapy

If people are having problems in their lives, they should go to horse therapy to get in touch with their inner selves and relieve stress. Once they leave there, they’ll have smiles on their faces. Most dudes like to be tough, but on the inside, a horse opens [you up] and brings out the softness.


Age 17

I enjoyed having fun interactions with colleagues, including the animals Wanda (pig) and Chief (horse) in a different environment to address our goals and obstacles. It was great to have common references and approaching the concept of environmental social justice. No one and nothing was wrong or talked over or corrected. Alternatives were presented. Tangible interactions and problem solving was what I liked best with life and living beings.

Group Client

Organization Therapy Session

I have a client I am struggling with working with a client to make changes. I took the horse and tried to pull him to move, even a little bit. Nothing happened. Then I was asked “how is that working for you?” I said “It is not.” Then I was asked, “what else might you do?” I said, “Walk next to the horse as a partner in their moves....Aha—I got it. I will walk with my client, rather than pulling them to where I think they should be.


Clinical Supervision Session

I like coming here because I get to tell Guinea my secrets and what I am sad and mad about. [When I clean] his [hooves], I clean his dirt and I can let go of what is making me sad and mad.


Age 5

I am in therapy at an office and here at the farm. I enjoy this more because it is interactive, When I hold Boo the cat or hold Guinea’s rope, I am relaxed and can talk about things I have never shared with anyone before.


Age 21

I can learn to be more gentle if we have Kitty in our sessions.


Age 6